Sunday, 02/09/2025

Imprint - About this Site

Angaben gemäß §5 TMG:


ALPINA Schneedienst GmbH
Forckenbeckstr. 9 - 13
14199 Berlin

030 61 30 91 70
030 61 30 91 72


Managing Director: Martin Gwiazdowski
Municipal Court: Berlin - Charlottenburg HRB 39 446

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach §55 Abs. 2 RStV

Martin Gwiazdowski


Heike von König


The operator and owner of this website is not responsible and will not be held liable for any damages, including but not limited to any indirect or secondary damage, which may be caused by accessing or using this website or any associated links or any linked websites.

In its decision from May 12th, 1998 on "liability regarding links (on websites)" the Regional Court of Hamburg made it clear that by including a hyperlink on one's website one may assume responsibility for the content of the linked website and thus be held liable; this assumption can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from such content. The owner of this website hereby states explicitly that he takes no responsibility for the content of any linked web pages on this homepage, or on any other page on this website. He also states that he has neither influence on design or content of such pages nor does he claim this content as his own.

» Exclusion of Liability


Design, structure and content of the ALPINA Schneedienst GmbH website are subject to a copyright. Therefore the following applies: The use of any text or parts thereof, or of any images, as well as of any reproduction of information or of data, requires the prior consent of ALPINA Schneedienst GmbH. All rights reserved.

© 2015 ALPINA Schneedienst GmbH Tel. +49 (0) 30 6130 9170 Imprint
All-round winter service Berlin: ALPINA Schneedienst GmbH - Your professionel partner - All-round winter service Berlin - Schneebeseitigung Berlin - Schneedienst - Eisglättebekämfung